This part in the story was filled of complex meanings within the text. What was going through Yvain’s head as he left his new home and went with King Arthur and his court. The lion and the snake on some level represented Yvain and the problems he will face; is facing and already has faced in his life. The lion represents him and his problems are shown as the snake. Over time the snake will gain the upper hand and gain control of him. Yvain is stuck with a problem to save the lion from the snake or not. Either way if he helps the lion, the lion will surely attack him; and if he doesn’t the snake will attack him after it’s done with the lion. Yvain decides to help free the lion. Yvain will be freed from his problems when he asked for help. There is no shame or dishonor in asking for help. As shown by the lion after Yvain as freed it, showing him great honor.
As the story continues Yvain and the lion become one, an inseparable pair. This is Yvain’s help for his problems. They feed off of one another’s’ strengths to survive and get stronger. To the point where they are unstoppable together and separated. As Yvain defends his lady alone without the lion putting up a good fight until the end, where he needed “help”.
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